Saturday, March 8, 2008

Whose brilliant idea was this?

So as I stagger from clock to clock tonight, trying to remember the magic combination of buttons to push simultaneously to set them forward an hour (it used to be so simple, when it was just hands on a clock), I can't help but wonder why this seemed like such a freaking brilliant idea. Oh sure, let's mess with time. No hubris there. And if it's such a darned good idea to be an hour ahead, then fine. Let's have it be an hour later. And LEAVE IT THERE, doggone it. None of this back and forth mess up the kids' and dogs' schedule and embarrass people who accidentally have so much of a life that they don't hang on the clock-changer's every whim of tampering with God's original plan...


DanisDelusions said...

*LOL* This may make you feel a little better...I didn't have to change my clocks this morning. That's because I was so fed up the last time they changed that I never did it *L* I actually woke up to the right time on the clock this morning.

Anonymous said...

Don't feel badly, Julie. If you lived in Indiana like my granddaughter, you would find that they have two different time settings there. Talk about being confused.