Thursday, February 19, 2009

WARNING: Pathetic whininess lies ahead

So, here I sit at my computer, with an outdated blog staring me in the face. Well, it would be, anyway, if I hadn't defiantly clicked on the "new post" link, so I could stare at slightly-less-accusing blank forms rather than ancient posts. And the problem is, the well is dry. Or, the well is whiny, and while that generally doesn't interfere with creativity (in fact, sometimes my creativity is fueled by whininess) lately it has.

And I think I know why. I'm creatively manic/depressive (please, no emails. I know it's a serious disease, and I'm not making fun of it, really, just making a illustrative point). I get into these driven periods where I want to create bigger, better, more passionate, more hilarious.... and then WHAM! my brain is exhausted and I sink into a period of "I don't wanna's" and really just wanting to go read a book. A funny, familiar, comforting book, like Jane Austen or something.

So. What's the point.

LOL, not sure. I just knew I couldn't stare at the Moonbeams and Roses post any longer, and if I got some sympathy in the process, well, I'll take it :) And if the sympathy takes the form of chocolate, well, who am I to order sympathy around.

(I can give you an address where you can send the complaints. I won't, but I CAN)

I would like to point out that in the above paragraphs, spell check has chided me 3 times. One of them was wrong, and I corrected it, and then I deleted it and chose a different word (which I very carefully spelled correctly the first time in order to prevent the glaring and condemning red line). But really, spell check. What is WITH your resistance to contractions???

And now I'm going to go read Sense and Sensibility. Maybe I'll get some.


Snap said...

It's like the seasons -- *it* comes and it goes and takes different forms and looks. Just wait a little ... Spring will sprung!!!!! (Or something like that.)

Unknown said...

I know the powers of a good book and some chocolate - so sounds like you're on the road to recovery! :) If you need any help with that chocolate - I'll need that address!

MamaB said...

rofl Well the post might not have cheered you up but you did make me laugh!!!!!!! Here is the virtual chocolate...savor it!!!!! love the cheerful look of your blog!!!!

Scraps of Candy said...

So was the child pleased with the update?

Anne of Alamo said...

gotta hate the lows....I am turning my puter off (again) for 3 does something to rejuvinate me...tomorrow, I do my ditty for PillowGirl and I close the top of the laptop...
I am telling you I crave wanting to come back...just to check and lose and hour or two...
everytime I make a point of turning it off, my creativity and sarcastic humor is increased! woo hoo
so be prepared...Monday baby! ha ha

Miss Chris said...

I like the bipolar description. I often feel that way too. I am either way up or way down. I also love Sense and Sensibility, so take comfort that there are those of us out there that feel the same way. I would send you some chocolate, but I also happen to be in a low phase creatively and I am trying to chocolate myself out of it as well!

DanisDelusions said...

Just remember...your "slow periods" of designing are faster than I can even do a LO. *LOL*

Kate-uhh said...

I know the real reason behind this post... you wanted to use your new blog decorations. ;)