Thursday, August 11, 2011

One for the boys! (ok, and one for the girls, too)

One constant that I hear in the digiworld is the "but I need a boy kit" lament...  There are lots of fun, frilly, flowery kits, but a good guy kit is harder to find.  So when I came across this nifty color palette, I knew it needed to be dedicated to the guys we love and need to scrap!

Look, Ma, no flowers!  And because there aren't any cute dinosaurs or bugs or creepy crawling dirty things, it's also appropriate for "men of all ages," LOL!  (I can't help it, I'm overly practical that way).

I love my creative ladies, and they totally rocked it this week:

Isn't it fun?  And because I love my blog readers (and I've kind of neglected you lately) I made a special coupon code just for you:  Need2ScrapMyBoy - it's good for 35% off the original price, good through August 15!  Of course, you don't have to use it for just a boy kit, you might prefer my other recent release:

Awesome layouts with Retro Echo as well - I apologize for the small previews, but if you click on them they will take you to the product in the store where you can examine more closely (I'm trying not to make this post three pages long, LOL).
So, don't forget coupon code Need2ScrapMyBoy for 35% off through the 15th!  Happy scrapping!

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