'Round about the day after Christmas, I start getting this uncomfortable sensation in the pit of my stomach. Kind of like Sunday night before a week of finals, in fact. It's silly, but it's my response to the knowledge that I'm going to have to take all the Christmas decorations down.
I'd like to think that this is not just a dread of physical activity (ha, we all know that's PART of it, though. I am as sedentary as a... well, I can't think of anything suitably sedentary to insultingly compare myself to, so use your imagination). It's kind of that whole letting-go-of-fantasy-land thing - acknowledging that the period of time where everyone's goal is to get you whatsoever you desire (even if it's only in your mind, and not your husband's, LOL) is about to come to a screeching halt and January bills are looming large... Somehow, putting the decorations away has become symbolic for the return to reality, and I really don't wanna.... and yet, there's something oddly comforting about having everything neat and tidy and back to normal, too. It's just the JOURNEY from beautiful fantasy to tidy reality that I hate, LOL.
For someone who loves to complain about taking down Christmas decorations, it was kind of foolish to decorate my blog, now wasn't it? ::sigh:: Should have thought that one through a little more, LOL. At least I won't have to put anything into a dusty box and try and resurrect it next year :)
In the meantime, I have a new kit in the store called Photo Op. It's made from the dark dusky colors that I love, and there are lots of goodies included to help you scrap almost any event. It didn't occur to me to make an alpha to match until the kit was already in the store, but I wanted one for a layout I'm working on, so I figured I might as well do it right and share it with you :) You can use it as an excuse to scrap... and not put the Christmas decorations away!

Download Alpha HERE.
TY so ever much!!!!!!!
You know, yes, sometimes it is hard being a fabulous muse for my mother's creations. But in the end, I like to consider it just another facet of my dedication to her and her art. ;)
Love the blog makeover (again!). It looks great. So wanna come take MY stuff down now? Maybe you can get it done without breaking anything because I am anticipating that my other eager helpers won't be able to after the fun we had putting it up.
Great alpha and kit! Thank you so much for sharing!
I agree completely with the dread of taking it all down and yet, wanting everything "back to normal"! Love the kit! Thank you!
lol Love Kati's post!!!! Blog looks great, kit looks great, alpha looks great...are you sensing a pattern here? giggle
Thanks for the alpha!!!! (((hugs))) MamaB
Hey Woman! You've been tagged! Here's your assignment, should you choose to accept it.....
1 - Link back to the blog that tagged you
2 - Make a list of 6 (un)interesting things about yourself
3 - Tag five other blogs, and let them know by leaving them a comment
Have a great day! Jeannette
You know...I was thinking when you did the blog in a Christmas theme that you were way more ambitious than I was *LOL* It looks great with Photo Op BTW.
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