Friday, January 16, 2009

Oh yeah...

All of that blathering and I forgot the instant gratification part of the post. I got a new phone. I got a new phone on impulse (well, I had planned to get a new phone, and I had researched phones, but I ended up with a different one than I intended, thus the impulsive part). I saw, I touched, I wanted. I asked if they had it in stock. They did. I bought.

And then y'know what happened? Nothing. The data plan that I ordered (and that is necessary to operate said phone) failed to kick in. I have had the coolest phone IN THE WORLD for 2 days and it doesn't even work.

My theory?

(wait for it...)

It's procrastinating.


Scraps of Candy said...

I am so glad you updated! I was just here last night looking for coordinating freebies to point my few readers to and saw your poor neglected blog. :( LOL

Miss Chris said...

Is it working yet????

Anonymous said...

Can you hear us now???

Lisa Joy said...

SO which phone did you get? Is it working yet?

Kate-uhh said...

So, while your phone is busted, does that mean... I AM THE SWORD MASTER!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Julie, how I wish you would update everyday. Then I wouldn't have to look elsewhere for my daily laugh! You truly DO make me LOL! (notice the lazy acronym) ;-)