Wednesday, June 10, 2009

All kinds of conflicted...

I've been on the Interwebs for a long time. Long enough to have seen a lot of things, experienced quite a few, interacted with many different types of folks, and to have signed up for at least a dozen "reward" programs. As the years have progressed, my willingness to participate in semi-mindless clicking activities for a small check, or a small gift certificate has faded. As a result, there aren't many left, and I don't always cooperate with the ones that remain, LOL. But today I got a notice for one of the more interesting ones, and I clicked.

This is the first time I've done so since I turned a rather round-numbered age with a substantially higher first number than I really care to focus upon. So it was with something of a start that I realized that I click a new radio button when it comes to the age demographic. The discomfort I felt upon doing so was intensified by the fact that it was also the LAST category (and while I can tell myself that this particular company skews towards a younger demographic, aforementioned discomfort remains pretty much intact). And while I will tell you that I was actually a little relieved when I got the "thank you, that's all the questions we have for you!" screen, if you look in my eyes you will see that I feel a hint of ageism leering down at me from the lofty heights of Comfortably Young.

So I did the only thing that could possibly make me feel better. I went to an online commercial site, and spent the equivalent of several weeks worth of careful clicking on a whim. I may be old, but I have disposable income. Take That, Interwebs!


Snap said...

Not old ... better .... and WISEwoman. :D

Unknown said...

You seem plenty young to me! :)

Dani said...

LOL...a little clicking on a whim never hurt anyone. OK, maybe it has...but go for it anyway *L* Did you click on anything good?