Friday, April 25, 2008

Feeble victories.

Pretty darned excited, and it's for SUCH a silly reason. Really reduces you to the lowest common denominator sometimes to see what trips your trigger...

But I digress (Yeah, uh huh, because I've never done THAT before!).

I took my own advice and went shopping for a notebook and a matching pen and a folder. Well, ok, so I didn't go shopping for this stuff, but I happened to be at the grocery because Kate and I needed salmon because it is going to make us healthy and thin, and on my way to the checkout counter I happened to pass the school/office supplies and thought, "oh yeah, I could totally buy a notebook! and a pen! and a folder!)

Turns out shopping at Safeway for office supplies isn't maybe the best choice, but it was where I was and it was so much trouble getting me there that I didn't want to take the risk of trying to get me anywhere else, so I worked with what was available. Which was a set of AWESOME pens - mmmm, these are just wonderful in spite of the fact that all they came in was medium point, when you KNOW I really wanted the fine point but Safeway just did not care...) I'll deal, though, because they have the clicky thing on the end to make the point come out to write, and that clicky thing is so much more fun than the twisty thing. The twisty thing takes TWO HANDS to do, and you know that a woman who has trouble making herself go to the grocery is not going to expend the effort to twist a pen WITH BOTH HANDS to make it work. Unless I really really have to write that check or forfeit the credit rating, KWIM?

So. Pens are a success. Not my preferred shopping order, I would have rather had the notebook first, but hey, we go with what we've got. There are no notebooks that appeal to me. First of all, none are decorative other than the fancy expensive one that's put out by daytimer or one of those other expensive organizational type companies that prey on unorganized blondes who live in hope and squander large amounts of cash trying to achieve organization but still fall sadly short in spite of the monetary committment... so not going there, even though I give faint consideration to what a cute scrap kit it would make.... no. NO. BE FIRM.

Finally I ended up with a pack of three mini notepads (I actually typed "notebads" and that isn't a bad description, 'cause they're ugly) that were on sale for 99 cents. They'll do until I can find THE PERFECT NOTEBOOK to match the perfect pens that I now possess.

How sad IS this? I mean, just buying pens and paper and jotting a few notes is going to take me 3 full blog entries. No wonder I never get anything done...


DanisDelusions said...

Can I possibly tell you how funny this is? After our post about the notebooks I happened to be at Walmart and took a side trip down the stationary aisle. I had this really cute journal with ribbons wrapped all around it for a cover. It was even in beautiful colors too. AND Clearanced! What's better than Clearanced? I'll tell you what..the two "notepads" that I picked up instead. I figured I could use one for design stuff and one for layout ideas and quotes I don't want to forget. I did NOT however, buy a new pen. Simply because I am not as forgiving as you are when it comes to not having my pen in fine point *L*

Miss Chris said...

I love school supplies! You are completely correct in continuing your quest for a notebook. Nothing short of perfect will do. As far as the pens, I personally loathe fine point, but I agree that the clicky mechanism is far superior to the twist mechanism. On my next trip to Target I am planning to buy an accordion file. This purchase, inspired by you I might add, is going to be what I use to keep all of my scrapping ideas in perfect order. Each category will have its own slot where I can neatly slide in all of the pieces of paper pertaining to that subject. I have yet to figure out how this will work since I rarely print out the things I need to file. But I am sure I will come up with something brilliant. However, even if I do not, I will have purchased the perfect color, pattern, and texture so it will look good on my desk. Perhaps I should but a matching pen, medium point and clicky if you please.

Miss Chris said...

ok, smartie pants... I just updated my blog too!

Cheryl said...

lol...we can always come here for a good laugh! Oh, use your 3 notebooks well! I thought I was the only one who analyzed apart every little purchase.

MamaB said...

Julie - I absolutely love that you can find the humor in even the simplest thing (a trrip to the store for example)!