Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sappy goes "Spring."

It's silly, and it's probably because I'm still in "sappy mom mode" as Hummie puts it, after my daughter's birthday, but I'm feeling rather attached to my latest creation. The color palette was chosen on an early morning drive home from the airport a couple of weeks ago. I had just dropped David off for another (!) business trip, and so the trip home was a little reminiscent of the days when he lived 220 miles away from me and we dated long distance. I can remember climbing in the car back then to drive home and crying for about the first 15 miles...

but I digress (and maudlin-ly at that, yikes!). Anyway, I was feeling contemplative, and the road from the airport to my house skirts the eastern edge of the city so you drive through the prairie, and it was quite lovely, with the blues and the golds and the touches of green...

So here is the first installment of "Colorado Spring." Hope you can use it to scrap memories as fond as those that inspired it:

(I must also say, it suddenly occurred to me today when I uploaded this segment that maybe somebody left me comments on the last things - Awww, I felt loved! Thanks! You made my day!)

Download HERE


DanisDelusions said...

These are beautiful Julie. And the story only makes it more beautiful. Now I have to go through my pics and see what I can use this great stuff on.

Cheryl said...

Well, you are loved! giggle

You are totally awesome and continue to amaze me. As Chris said, you've come so far since paper towel papers!

Melissa said...

Your papers and elements are lovely. Thank you so much for sharing them.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this beautiful kit - and some of your personal memories.

Anonymous said...

Love this colours in this kit, thank you so much for your generosity

lorimain said...

These are really beautiful. If it isn't asking too much, it would be nice to have the background tag that you have written Colorado Spring on.
Thank you for this great kit.

Anonymous said...

WOW, Colorado Spring is beautiful, thanks so much for sharing

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing this. It is absolutely lovely.